ADP Employment Report: 179,000 New Jobs Added in May

Change in Total Nonfarm Private Employment
Change in Total Nonfarm Private Employment

ROSELAND, N.J. – Private sector employment increased by 179,000 jobs from April to May according to the May ADP National Employment Report.  Broadly distributed to the public each month, free of charge, the ADP National Employment Report is produced by ADP®, a leading global provider of Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions, in collaboration with Moody’s Analytics.  The report, which is derived from ADP’s actual payroll data, measures the change in total nonfarm private employment each month on a seasonally-adjusted basis.

May 2014 Report Highlights*

View the ADP National Employment Report Infographic at

Total U.S. Nonfarm Private Employment:

Total U.S. Nonfarm Private Employment: 179,000
 • By Company Size 
 • Small businesses:  82,000
· 1-19 employees 48,000
· 20-49 employees 34,000
 • Medium businesses: 61,000
· 50-499 employees 61,000
 • Large businesses: 37,000
· 500-999 employees – 3,000
· 1,000+ employees 40,000
 • By Sector
• Goods producing 29,000
• Service providing 150,000
 • Industry Snapshot
• Construction 14,000
• Manufacturing 10,000
• Trade/transportation/utilities 35,000
• Financial activities 6,000
• Professional/business services 46,000

* Sum of components may not equal total, due to rounding.

Goods-producing employment rose by 29,000 jobs in May, up from 21,000 jobs gained in April.  The construction industry added 14,000 jobs over the month, down slightly from 16,000 in April.  Meanwhile, manufacturing added 10,000 jobs in May, up from April’s 2,000 and the largest number since December last year.

Service-providing employment rose by 150,000 jobs in May, down from 194,000 in April.  The ADP National Employment Report indicates that professional/ business services contributed the most to the lower overall number in May – adding 46,000 jobs, down from 75,000 in April.  Expansion in trade/transportation/utilities grew by 35,000, the same number of jobs added in April.  The 6,000 new jobs added in financial activities was down slightly from 8,000 last month.

“After a strong post-winter rebound in April, job growth in May slowed somewhat,” said Carlos Rodriguez, president and chief executive officer of ADP.  “The 179,000 jobs added figure is higher than May of last year and in line with the average over the past twelve months.”

Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics, said, “Job growth moderated in May.  The slowing in growth was concentrated in Professional/Business Services and companies with 50-999 employees.  The job market has yet to break out from the pace of growth that has prevailed over the last three years.”

Payroll growth for businesses with 49 or fewer employees increased in May adding 82,000 jobs, up from a downwardly revised 76,000 in April and almost reaching the twelve-month average of 84,000. Job growth slowed over the month for medium-sized and large firms. Employment among medium-sized companies with 50-499 employees rose by 61,000, down from 82,000 in April. Employment at large companies – those with 500 or more employees – increased by 37,000, down from 56,000 the previous month. Companies with 500-999 employees shed 3,000 jobs after adding 23,000 in April.

The matched sample used to develop the ADP National Employment Report was derived from ADP payroll data, which represents 411,000 U.S. clients employing nearly 24 million workers in the U.S. The April total of jobs added was revised to 215,000.

ADP Small Business Report®:

Due to the important contribution that small businesses make to economic growth, employment data that are specific to businesses with 49 or fewer employees is reported each month in the ADP Small Business Report®, a subset of the ADP National Employment Report.

May 2014 Small Business Report Highlights*

Total Small Business Employment: 82,000
 • By size:
· 1-19 employees 48,000
· 20-49 employees 34,000
 • By sector for 1 – 49 employees:
· Goods producing 9,000
· Service providing 73,000
 • By sector for 1 – 19 employees:
· Goods producing 5,000
· Service providing 43,000
 • By sector for 20 – 49 employees:
· Goods producing 3,000
· Service providing 31,000

* Sum of components may not equal total, due to rounding.

Additional information about small business employment, including charts on monthly job growth and employment levels along with historical data, is available at