The Arizona Technology Council (AZTC) presents the 2014 Southern Arizona Tech + Business Expo, Where Technology and Manufacturing Connect. The Expo will be held on Wednesday, October 15 from 12:30 - 6:30 pm at the Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa in Tucson.
The Southern Arizona Tech & Business Expo is the region’s premier showcase event for Manufacturing Month which is celebrated nationally in October. The day will begin with an expo and include keynote address about the state of manufacturing in our region, and an award presentation for Tucson Technology Leader of the Year and Manufacturer of the Year. Working in collaboration with the Southern Arizona Manufacturing Partners (SAMP), the Arizona Manufacturing Council (AMC), the RevAZ Program of the Arizona Commerce Authority, and the University of Arizona’s Tech Launch Arizona, the Expo will host informative panel discussions on strategies to grow your business faster. During the Expo, you will have plenty of time to network with exhibitors, develop business leads and top off the day with a cocktail reception.
Panel #1:
Moderator: David Cohen, BeachFleischman
Access to Capital - Funding Growth Projects
Our first panel discussion is on a subject of vital importance to most business owners: How do you find and get capital to support your business growth? The panelists will discuss the different sources of capital and what it takes to get it. Each panelist is an expert in business growth financing options and promises to give the audience a clear understanding of what they should do to improve their access to capital.
This is not your typical dry financial discussion, but rather a pointed, down to earth discussion of programs and opportunities available and exactly what it takes to get access to them.
We will cover these topics:
• State grants, tax credits and other financing options: Randy Gufstafon, Arizona Commerce Authority
• Guidelines to debt financing: Brian Mannix, Bank of America
• Equity financing: Prashant Ukhade, VentureAide
Panel #2:
Moderator: Robert Witwer, Honeywell Aerospace
New Strategies to Grow Your Business
Competition in any industry is fierce. Innovators, small-to-large companies that want to fund R&D activities or companies looking for the next competitive advantage should plan on attending this panel discussion. The strategies that we will discuss use an "out of the box" approach to thinking about your company's growth opportunities. We'll hear from experts from Tech Launch Arizona on their success at commercializing new technologies, how exporting goods/services can drive business growth and learn about different programs that you can access, or start in your own company, that will ensure you have the talent needed to support your growth potential.
We will cover these topics:
• Licensing technology: Doug Hockstad, University of Arizona Tech Launch Arizona
• Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Doug Hockstad, University of Arizona Tech Launch Arizona
• Workforce development: Jim Mize, Pima County One Stop & Southern Arizona Manufacturing Partnership
• Mentor/Protégé programs: Jeff Krongaard, Raytheon Missile Systems
• How to Export your goods: Kevin O'Shea, Arizona Commerce Authority
Click on the link down below and redirect to the Arizona Technology Council's website to register.