Pima County gives OK to Raising chickens in certain residential areas

Supervisors approve code change that would let residents keep as many as eight female chickens

PIMA COUNTY – Pima County residents interested in raising chickens at home now will have the opportunity.

The Pima County Board of Supervisors approved by a 3 to 2 vote a zoning change that allows residents in some residential zones to raise chickens for eggs.

The zoning code currently permits chickens and other small animals throughout most of the county. The zoning amendment allows the keeping of female chickens for personal food production in small-lot residential zones where it currently is prohibited, including TH Trailer Homesite, CR-4 Mixed-Dwelling Type, CR-5 Multiple Residence, CMH-1 and -2 County Manufactured and Mobile Home and MU Multiple Use zones.

Typically, these are properties with lot sizes smaller than 8,000 square feet.

The changes allow for up to eight female chickens on single-family dwelling lots or manufactured home lots 6,000 square feet or larger.

Similarly, single-family dwelling lots and manufactured home lots 6,000 square feet or smaller, or multi-family dwellings could keep up to four female chickens per dwelling.

Neither retail sales nor the keeping of roosters or cockerels would be permitted in any of these zones.

The changes do not override any private residential restrictions or covenants recorded that prohibit the raising of chickens. Existing County ordinances address issues of animal noise, odors and waste disposal.

The changes the Board of Supervisors adopted will go into effect in 30 days.