Plan Tucson will replace the 2001 General Plan adopted by Tucson Mayor and Council and retified by the voters in 2001. State law requires that every ten years, a jurisdiction revisit its existing general plan and either readopt that plan or adopt a new plan. The City chose to prepare a new plan because it provides and opportunity to take a look at how Tucson has developed socially, economically, environmentally and physically since 2001 and to determine if that development has been consistent with comunity values, demographic trends, and best practices. Plan Tucson is a long-term policy doucment intended to guide decisions affecting elements that shape the city, such as housing, jobs, land use, transportaion, water and energy resources.
The Final Plan Tucson Draft, which is now available for review, reflects staff recommendations for revisions approved by the Planning Commission at the February 27, 2013 meeting. The recommendations for revisions were based largely on more than 800 comments provided by approximately 100 commenters representing agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and the general public.
To take a look at the Final Draft, click here: FINAL PLAN TUCSON DRAFT
The final public hearing is scheduled for this evening:
Wednesday, May 29, 2013, at of after 6:00 P.M., in the Meeting Room of the Westside Police Service Center, 1310 West Miracle Mile, Tucson, Arizona 85705
The Planning Commission is established to advise the Mayor and Council and various City Departments on the adoption of long-range plans, policies, specific plans and regulations that affect development. Three previous public hearings on Plan Tucson were held on February 13, February 27, and April 3, 2013. Click here to go to the Planning Commission's website to take a look at the material provided by staff.
Contact Jim Mazzocco of Tucson Planning Commission for more information (520) 791-4505.