PIMA COUNTY, Arizona -- The Pima County Community Action Agency, part of the Community Services, Employment and Training Department, is accepting proposals for 2017 Community Services Block Grant funds. The amount of funds available is not known at this time, however, it is estimated that the total amount will be approximately $300,000.
Pima County is soliciting proposals from qualified proposers, responsible, and willing to provide services in compliance with all solicitation specifications and requirements contained or referenced herein. The grant period to be funded is July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 and may be extended for one additional year, providing that funds are available; the program has performed to acceptable standards; and the approval of the Board of Supervisors.
All proposed programs must have a measurable impact on the causes of poverty in Pima County and must be able to produce measurable outcomes. Proposals may be submitted in any of the following priority areas that follow federal law adopted by the Pima County Community Action Agency Board:
1) Inability to Meet Emergency Needs
2) Starvation/Malnutrition
3) Inadequate Housing
4) Youth Services
5) Incomplete Use of Programs and Services
Proposals outside of these areas will not be considered for funding. Preference will be given to proposals that serve rural areas. No individual proposal may request more than $30,000; however, organizations may submit as many proposals as desired. In cases where multiple proposals by one agency are recommended for funding, the total/combined funding amount shall not exceed $50,000 for that one agency.
Deadline is noon Wednesday, Jan. 25. Details for this proposal, CAA-CSBG-2017-05, may be found on the County’s website at https://webcms.pima.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=169&pageId=24903.