TUCSON, ARIZONA (December 23, 2022) -- In 2006, voters of Pima County overwhelmingly approved the Regional Transportation Authority’s 20-year regional transportation plan and a countywide half-cent (excise) sales tax to fund it.
Fast forward to 2022-2023, the RTA is continuing to deliver projects from the multimodal plan, which is set to expire along with the tax in June 2026. Now, in the final five-year implementation period of the plan, the RTA and its member jurisdictions have delivered nearly 930 projects across the region. RTA improvement projects include roadway corridor widening or new development, expanded or new transit services, new bicycle and pedestrian facilities, traffic signal improvements, wildlife linkages, drainage and landscape improvements, and public art.
Here’s a look at some of the major corridor project completions in the past year and those that will continue to be under construction or initiate in 2023.
The Broadway Boulevard, Euclid Avenue to Country Club Road, project in central Tucson was completed in the fall of 2022. The existing four-lane roadway was widened to a six-lane divided roadway with a continuous left-turn lane and upgraded bicycle and pedestrian facilities, bus pullouts, and significant floodplain improvements in coordination with the City of Tucson. New business development is expected to follow the improvements along the Sunshine Mile corridor.
Early in fiscal year 2022, the Arizona Department of Transportation completed the reconstruction of the Ruthrauff Road, Interstate 10/Union Pacific Railroad Overpass, project. The project, which began in 2020, reversed the original interchange grade separation to have Ruthrauff Road pass over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and Interstate 10. This eliminated railroad-related safety conflicts and added roadway capacity. This project was managed by the Arizona Department of Transportation and included the widening of I-10 both north and south of the Ruthrauff Road improvements.
The Houghton Road, Valencia Road to Mary Ann Cleveland Way, project was another major corridor completion in the last fiscal year. This project widened the existing two-lane roadway to a six-lane divided roadway with bike lanes, sidewalks and contemporary safety improvements. With the completion of this sixth stage project and the completion of the Interstate 10 and Houghton Road interchange improvements by the Arizona Department of Transportation, Houghton Road is now a complete, modern road facility between the I-10 interchange and Irvington Road, a distance of five miles. This project greatly improves accessibility to the southeast side of the Tucson metropolitan area.
Construction continued on Downtown Links, Broadway Boulevard to St. Mary's Road, through fiscal year 2022 on the third and fourth phases and will continue through fiscal year 2023. One of the largest projects in the RTA plan, Downtown Links is expected to be completed in early fiscal year 2024. The project includes substantial floodplain improvements in coordination with the Pima County Flood Control District, reducing the risk of flooding in the downtown Tucson area. The new corridor will provide a continuous route for traffic on State Route 210 between Broadway Boulevard and the Interstate 10 Frontage Road. This project, when completed, will greatly relieve congestion within the downtown area, allowing interstate-bound traffic to divert around the core of downtown Tucson.
The 22nd Street, Kino Boulevard to Tucson Boulevard, project will replace the obsolete viaduct over the Union Pacific Railroad and improve capacity from a four-lane to six-lane structure. This project addresses the lack of pedestrian and bicycle facilities on the existing structure and eliminates the weight restrictions which currently force transit buses and other heavy freight vehicles to detour around the existing structure.
Phases 3 and 4 improvements to Grant Road, Alvernon Way to Swan Road, from a four-lane road to a six-lane divided roadway with a continuous left-turn lane, will include full, contemporary multimodal features. This project will provide an indirect left-turn intersection at Alvernon Way, one of the region's most congested intersections, and will also address flooding issues that have plagued this roadway.
The Arizona Department of Transportation will construct a new interchange at I-10 and Sunset Road and extend Sunset Road over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks, and over the Rillito Creek, to a new intersection with River Road. This new roadway will provide a new connection to the interstate for travelers east of I-10 and will provide a greater level of accessibility to the Tucson Mountain foothills. This project also will be combined with the reconstruction of I-10 between the recently completed improvements at Ruthrauff Road and the earlier widened section north of Ina Road. This completes the widening of I-10 between downtown Tucson and the Town of Marana.
The Silverbell Road, Goret Road to El Camino del Cerro, project will widen the original two-lane facility to a four-lane divided facility, with all-weather access, bicycle and pedestrian facilities. A part of this project has been investigating and mitigating the significant cultural resources that exist in this historic area of our community.
Later in the calendar year 2023, construction on Valencia Road, Kolb Road to Houghton Road, is expected to begin on Valencia Road between Kolb and Houghton. This project will continue improvements built through the Kolb/Valencia intersection, extending the six-lane roadway through the Rita Ranch development and adjacent state lands. The road improvements will include street lighting, bicycle lanes, sidewalks and upgraded signalization for this fast-growing industrial and residential area.
As the RTA continues to work toward delivery of projects in the 2006 plan, a citizens’ advisory committee is working with technical committee input to develop a new 20-year plan for voter consideration before 2026, when the current plan and tax expire. To follow the process, please visit RTAnext.com. Additional RTA information is available at RTAmobility.com.