Southern AZ CCIM City Council Candidates Debate October 13th
Don’t miss the Southren Arizona Chapter of CCIM debate with Tucson City Council candidates on October 13th at its regularly scheduled luncheon from 12:00 to 1:15. Registration begins at 11:30.
Southern AZ CCIM Debate will feature: Republican candidates Kelly Lawton, Margaret Burkholder, Bill Hunt and Democrat incumbents Shirley Scott-Ward 4, Paul Cunningham- Ward 2, and Regina Romero- Ward 1
The Haves and Wants Deal Making Session has a new time and will be held prior to the luncheon from 11:15-11:45 with rapid fire discussion of active listings and requirements. Bring your needs and make some deals happen on the spot
Luncheon fee:
CCIM Designee Monthly luncheon fee shall be $0
Member/Guest Monthly luncheon fee shall be $25
Walk-In fee, when space is available, shall be $35 (walk ins must be members or guests)
Arizona Student Member luncheon fee shall be $15
Monthly Luncheon Guest Policy
All guests must be registered with the Chapter Administrator two business days prior the luncheon.
CCIM Designees are eligible to bring guests, without restrictions, for a fee of $25.
Chapter members’ guests are no longer required to obtain written permission from the Chapter President.
Chapter members have the privilege of inviting one guest to – two luncheons per calendar year, (not including the annual forecast) at the posted luncheon fee. Chapter member’s who invite guests to three or more luncheons per year will be invoiced at the rate of $40 per visit. After a single guest’s second luncheon, a chapter membership will be required.