TMA Arizona Raises Over $5,550 for Sexually Exploited Children
The Turnaround Management Association, Arizona Chapter, (TMA) is pleased to announce that over $5,550 was raised at a fun filled event to benefit the worthy cause of StreetLightUSA. TMA Arizona, whose members help turnaround businesses, decided to work with StreetLightUSA to help “turn around the lives” of victims of human sex trafficking and find a pathway out of their circumstances.
The fun of a team bowling tournament, combined with a live auction facilitated by auctioneer George Cunningham, was mixed with the seriousness of helping abused and trafficked children escape their plight. The event took place on September 26th at the hip Lucky Strike Lanes and Lounge located within the Cityscape Project in downtown Phoenix. More than 55 people attended the event with no “bowling injuries” reported by Chris Kaup, President of the TMA Phoenix Chapter. Team sponsors included MEB Management Services, Tiffany and Bosco, Simon Consulting, Clear Title Agency, and Resolute Commercial Services. Exceptional auction items were donated by several people and agencies. One such example was a dinner with Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and a ride- along in a Phoenix Police Department Helicopter.
StreetlightUSA was chosen as the benefactor of this fundraising event as Libby Ekre of MEB Management Services has assisted in facilitating volunteerism with the existing Phoenix shelter. Tournament proceeds will benefit StreetLightUSA Phoenix Chapter. Lea Benson, President of StreetlightUSA and an expert on human trafficking, had the following to say about the event. “I am humbled by the support StreetLightUSA received from TMA. I am very pleased we were able to educate others about the realities of child sex trafficking and that it is very much alive. Often considered an international problem, child sex trafficking is happening here in our backyard. Children are being sold and placed in sexual servitude. At StreetLightUSA, we specialize in stabilizing and providing a safe environment for these children so we can help them overcome the trauma they have experienced and develop skills to become strong independent women.”
Human trafficking and child sexual exploitation are often viewed as overseas problems. However, these nightmares exist throughout the United States for hundreds of thousands of minors. The average age of entry for children who are victims of child sex trafficking in our country is 13 years old. StreetLightUSA offers residential care for sex trafficked and/or sexually exploited adolescent female survivors age 11-17. StreetLightUSA recognizes that true behavioral changes occur when an individual experiences internal motivation, spiritual growth, and relational safety within a secure, caring and nurturing environment. StreetLightUSA is licensed as a 48-bed facility with a ratio of 8/1 clients to staff. For more information about the organization, visit
Mr. Kaup summarized the evening, “the members of our Chapter are extremely pleased that our joint effort with StreetlightUSA to help turn around young lives went so well and we look forward to continuing to work with them on this critically important endeavor.”
The Turnaround Management Association (TMA) is the only international non-profit association dedicated to corporate renewal and turnaround management. For more information on TMA please visit
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