Terracon’s Tucson office presents $10,000 grant to UA College of Engineering
TEMPE, ARIZ.– The Tucson office of engineering consulting firm Terracon presented a $10,000 check from its foundation to the University of Arizona College of Engineering.
It’s the second grant from the Terracon Foundation Board this month. It recently presented a $5,000 grant to the Southern Arizona Research, Science, and Engineering Foundation (SARSEF).
“The grant will be used to support graduate students studying Geotechnical and Civil Engineering Materials at UA,” said Derek Koller, Terracon’s Tucson Office Manager. “Specifically, the grant will go towards supplementing student research funding and to provide students with financial support.”
Terracon’s Tucson Office has a longstanding relationship with UA’s College of Engineering. Regional Manager Brent M. Borchers, P.E., has been an adjunct professor for the past 7 years and Terracon employees interact with the college through its involvement with the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE). Terracon Materials and Geotechnical Departments have employed several interns over the years.
“Our ability to award this grant to UA is a demonstration of our commitment to support such an important part of our community and the development of future engineers,” Koller said. “Terracon Foundation University Grants are competitive grants that allow employee-owners to advocate for the communities in which we work. We are to be a firm willing to invest in the future.”
The grant is the second the Terracon Foundation has awarded to UA in as many years. In 2017, Terracon provided a $5,000 grant for graduate students studying environmental health sciences at the College of Public Health.
“We are grateful for Terracon and the Foundation for their support,” said Dominic Boccelli, Department Head at, UA Civil and Architectural Engineering. “The grant funds will help to support our geotech graduate students and our future professional engineers.”
Terracon is an employee-owned consulting engineering firm with more than 4,000 employees providing environmental, facilities, geotechnical, and materials services from more than 140 offices with services available in all 50 states.
Terracon currently ranks 24th on the Engineering News-Record list of Top 500 Design Firms and is ranked No. 1 in Asbestos and Lead Abatement Design. To learn more about Terracon visit terracon.com/offices/tucson/