Tucson Makes Forbes’ 10 US Cities Best Positioned To Recover From Coronavirus

Forbes recetnly published a list detailing the 10 US cities best poised to economically recover from coronavirus – as well as the 10 worst.  While the list was not ranked, Tucson landed among those best positioned to recover, which share traits like being college towns, tech hubs, and having fast growth pre-coronavirus. Other top 10 cities include Denver, Salt Lake City, San Jose, Washington DC, and Boise.

Forbes’ list was based on a Moody’s Analytics report detailing coronavirus impact among the 100 largest metro areas in the nation.

“The most dynamic recoveries may well bypass traditional powerhouses and take place instead in areas that either were or were poised to lead the way in 2020 before everything changed,” said Adam Kamins, author of the report.

Top 10: Cities Best-Positioned to Recover From Coronavirus
(Note: These are alphabetically sorted—not listed in order)

Boise, Idaho
Denver, Colorado
Durham, North Carolina
Madison, Wisconsin
Provo, Utah
Raleigh, North Carolina
Salt Lake City, Utah
San Jose, California
Tucson, Arizona
Washington DC

Some of the 10 worst-positioned cities are Philadelphia, Miami, Los Angeles, Detroit, and (unsurprisingly) New York City.

Bottom 10: Cities Worst-Positioned to Recover From Coronavirus
(Note: These are alphabetically sorted—not listed in order)

Detroit, Michigan
Honolulu, Hawaii
Los Angeles, California
McAllen, Texas
Miami, Florida
New Haven, Connecticut
New York City
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Stockton, California
Tampa, Florida

Beyond the Lists

Other urban areas that didn’t make the top 10 list—but are places to watch—include Austin, Texas; Seattle; and Minneapolis. “Meanwhile, the draw of suburban areas should not be overlooked,” says Kamins. “The Silver Spring, Maryland; Montgomery-Bucks-Chester County Pennsylvania; and Cambridge, Massachusetts metro divisions could become appealing alternatives to their neighboring cities in a world in which physical proximity is viewed as inherently risky.”

And while they didn’t make it into the top 10 list, Omaha and Des Moines could also succeed. Kamins points out that more isolated places in the Midwest will benefit from the fact that they face few land constraints.

Kamins also believes that the coronavirus fallout could damage some of the nation’s other dynamic economies in the future, including Boston and San Francisco—which didn’t make the 10 worst list, but will also fare poorly in the post-coronavirus era. “Each place is resilient enough to eventually find its footing again, but out-migration could pick up in the medium term,” writes Kamins.