TUCSON, Arizona -- The Tucson City Council voted 7-0 last week to adopt an improved City of Tucson sign code that is less restrictive towards businesses. Metropolitan Pima Alliance, Tucson Metro Chamber, Southern Arizona Homebuilders Association, Tucson Association of Realtors and other membership - based organizations along with other leaders and stakeholders in the business community, have been active participants in the Sign Code Revision Project since it began over a year ago.
The accepted proposals revise, simplify, and modernize the City's sign code (Regular Agenda, Item 8). It's the first significant update to the code since 1985.
The changes were initiated by Mayor and Council and will bring Tucson in compliance with a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision and respond to local concerns about the code being out of date and difficult to use.
Over the past year, revisions have been reviewed extensively by the Citizen Sign Code Committee, the Planning Commission, and stakeholders from the business community, sign code industry, and neighborhoods.
The improvements include:
- language that would not hinder the ability of a business to advertise and sell;
- a sign code that encourages economic development; and
- consideration for the concerns of all parties involved.
Some of the specific positive changes that came out of this revision project are the interpretation of canopy signs, and the rate of change for electronic message signs down to one minute (it was formerly one hour.) A huge win for the business community is the Master Sign Program and the individual sign design option, which now gives sign users the potential to be more creative than what has been allowed in 35-40 years. Most importantly, the new sign code gives business owners predictability and consistency.
For all materials and additional information related to the joint PC / CSCC meetings, please visit the following page.