TUCSON, Ariz. – Sundt Construction, Inc. (www.sundt.com) will celebrate Engineering Week by hosting an “Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day” event at its Tucson office on Friday, February 22. At least 50 middle and high school aged girls will be in attendance. The girls will have a hands-on learning experience building a structure out of gum drops and toothpicks, followed by a short presentation from representatives of Sundt, Raytheon and Texas Instruments.
What: Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day
When: Friday, February 22, 2019: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Where: Sundt Construction, 2015 W River Road, Tucson 85719. Parking available in front of building. Check in at reception desk when you arrive.
Who: 50 middle and high school girls, representatives from Sundt Construction, Raytheon and Texas Instruments
Why: Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (Girl Day) helps focus a growing movement to inspire girls’ futures so they learn they have a place in engineering a better world.
For more information contact Kimberley Hoidal at 520-750-4623.