PHOENIX — Governor Doug Ducey signed two bills Monday. SB 1098 provides funding for the Arizona Department of Agriculture’s (AZDA) agricultural pilot program to allow universities and those with a license from AZDA to begin cultivating industrial hemp - the fiber form of cannabis. Specifically, the hemp would be required to remain below 0.3 percent THC.
Industrial hemp grown under the pilot program would be an agricultural product that requires a grower, harvester, transporter or processor to obtain a license from the AZDA.
Harvested hemp is produced into a wide range of products including building materials, food, paper and textiles. Currently, at least 34 states have passed legislation related to industrial hemp.
“This bill opens Arizona to the possibility of a new agricultural product,” said Governor Ducey. “I’m glad to sign a bill that could have a positive economic impact for the state.”
A second bill signed streamlines the operation of mobile food vendors by creating a statewide licensing framework developed by the Arizona Department of Health Services to establish a cohesive standard for health, safety and operating practices.
The very nature of the food truck industry requires owners to be mobile and travel to do business — often crossing county and city lines. Currently, food truck operators must comply with a patchwork of regulations as they cross these jurisdictions within Arizona to do business. Under this bill, food truck operators can now concentrate more on their customers than complying with varying regulations as they travel the state.
“Food truck operators are entrepreneurs who are offering a great product that Arizonans love. Creating a level playing field and a uniform standard for Arizona’s food trucks is a commonsense move. This is a step in the right direction to help the rapidly growing food truck industry in Arizona by eliminating the confusion and barriers caused by varying regulations,” said Governor Ducey.