Oro Valley, Arizona -- Reminder from the Town of Oro Valley that construction of the roundabout at the La Cañada Drive/Moore Road intersection begins Wednesday, September 18. Please note the original detour routes have not changed, but thanks to Richmond American, a nearby residential development, an additional route (Dutch Drive) bridging La Cañada Drive and Moore Road has been added as an option. This road has not been formally accepted by the Town of Oro Valley from the developer, but the developer is allowing access through the development during construction to help improve traffic flow. Detour map
Keep in mind that the intersection of La Cañada and Moore will be completely closed to all traffic (except emergency vehicles) beginning early in the morning on September 18 through November 22. This will allow the Town to complete the project quicker than originally anticipated, which will increase site safety and shorten the time residents in the neighborhood are impacted by the detour routes. The initial estimate for the roundabout was nine months; by expediting the project, it will allow for completion in approximately two months. Borderland Construction is the contractor.
Pedestrians and bicyclists will have access around construction during the closure. Please be aware this access may be over rough and uneven surfaces and cyclists may have to dismount and walk their bikes through the pedestrian access. Detour map
Closing this intersection provides several benefits. It increases safety in the construction area; allows the contractor to finish the project in less time, which lowers the cost of the project; and allows the Town to establish detour routes and monitor those routes in neighborhoods. Oro Valley Police Department will patrol the detour routes throughout construction.
Part of the road detour plan includes placing a four-way stop at the Copper Springs Trail, Salt Cedar Drive and Moore Road intersection. Other roads will be deemed local access only and signage will be set up for that purpose.
Please note: access through the intersection for emergency vehicles will be maintained throughout construction.
Installing a roundabout at Moore Road and La Cañada Drive was deemed the best solution to improve safety and traffic flow. Roundabouts are generally safer than traffic signals as they decrease speeds and reduce the number of contact points at an intersection, thereby reducing the possibility of direct “T-bone” collisions. Click here to view a rendering of the roundabout
The Town of Oro Valley apologizes for any inconvenience and asks drivers to plan accordingly.
The Town will be producing informational materials on how to utilize this roundabout before the intersection reopens in November.
For complete details and updates on this project, please click here to visit the project web page or got to www.orovalleyaz.gov and click on the homepage banner.
La Cañada Drive/Moore Road intersection closure
When: September 18 – November 22*
Detour map
Roundabout rendering
Project page
Town of Oro Valley contact: Constituent Services Coordinator Jessica Hynd at ask@orovalleyaz.gov (520) 229-4711.
Borderland Construction contact: Clint Elder at (520) 693-0900
*Depending on weather