TUCSON, Arizona -- RendezVous Urban Flats, LLC (Roger Karber, manager) closed on an option to purchase the land and infrastructure at 20 S Stone Avenue in downtown Tucson from 1 SC Partners LLC for $2.65 million ($87 PSF). The project is ready to begin construction within weeks and may be as soon as one year for completion, the developer told us.
The developer, Aerie Development (Roger Karber, manager) plans to construct a six-story, 130,000-square-foot mixed use building on the .7 acre site next to Tucson’s tallest building, the 23-story, One South Church, built in 1986. The RendezVous Urban Flats is to have 4,000-square-feet ground floor retail and 100 market-rate rental units of one- and two-bedrooms ranging from 660-1,110-square-feet that should be desirable to any demographic group.

Karber, who grew up in Tucson, says he remembers the Fox Theatre as a kid and imagines people coming out of a show there and across the street to the RendezVous plaza to congregate again. “I envision coming out of the Fox Theater soon and being greeted by the RendezVous Urban Flats and ground-level plaza with public and private areas. The residents will enjoy fabulous views overlooking Downtown and the Tucson Mountains from their balconies and glass walls.”
It’s an exciting project for downtown Tucson! Karber told us a great deal of time has been spend discussing the preservation the Ben's Bells mural and all the signed tiles that currently cover the elevator shaft on the vacant land to underground garage. “These tiles will be taken down and then brought back to be incorporated into the RendezVous plaza, said Karber. “With any extra tiles going to other places of interest in Tucson. Each signed tile shows an individual’s pledge to ‘Be Kind’ and do a good deed, we don’t want a single tile to be lost.”
The building will have floor-to-ceiling glass walls and 5-foot wide balconies. The 3-story garage will remain undisturbed shared with One South Church offices. The project is expected to go up quickly, with the underground infrastructure already in place. Karber believes it could be completed one year from ground breaking.
Alliance Bank is the lender on the project, Davis Architecture and Design of Tempe the architect and UEB of Scottsdale, the builder.
For related story click here.
For more information, Karber should be contacted at 520.977.5456.