Tucson, AZ – (Aug 1, 2024) – The Tucson Metro Chamber Board of Directors voted to advance positions on three ballot items that have been referred by the legislature or placed by citizens’ initiative, at its regular Board meeting. Each supports the interests of the local business community and the broader Tucson economy. In addition, earlier this spring, the Board announced support for the Make Elections Fair Act.
The Chamber Board makes decisions based on the recommendations of its Public Policy Council. This body is representative of member industries and is politically diverse. Further action on additional ballot items may be forthcoming.
Below are detailed explanations of each proposition and the Chamber's position.
Proposition 138: Tipped Workers Protection Act
Chamber Position: Support
The Tipped Workers Protection Act seeks to establish a constitutional protection on the tip credit system utilized by service industry employers. Currently, Arizona law allows employers to pay tipped employees up to $3 less per hour than the minimum wage, provided that tips make up the difference. Proposition 138 would adjust this to allow employers to pay tipped employees up to 25% less than the statutory minimum wage if tips ensure that the employee receives at least the minimum wage plus an additional $2 for all hours worked.
Why Support It:
- Fair Compensation: Ensures that tipped employees receive fair compensation that accounts for both their base pay and their earned tips, providing an extra $2 above the
minimum wage. - Economic Balance: This approach maintains a balance that allows businesses to manage labor costs effectively while ensuring employees are fairly paid.
- Job Preservation: Helps prevent potential job cuts and reduced hours resulting from higher wage mandates, preserving jobs in the service industry.
Chamber's View: Supporting Proposition 138 is crucial for protecting both workers and businesses. It maintains a fair wage system while ensuring that our local service industry
remains strong and sustainable.
Proposition 140: Make Elections Fair Act
Chamber Position: Support
The Make Elections Fair Act is a constitutional reform designed to overhaul Arizona’s primary election system. It aims to address the significant barriers faced by independent and unaffiliated voters and candidates.
Why Support It:
- Voter Equality: This policy treats all voters equally, including independents, by allowing them to vote in every primary election for any candidate they choose.
- Candidate Fairness: This creates a single open primary election in which all candidates for a given office appear on the same ballot and have the same signature requirements.
- Taxpayer Fairness: This policy restricts taxpayer money to only elections that are open to all voters and candidates, not private party elections.
- General Election Clarity: Ensures that at least the two highest vote-getters in the primary election move on to the general election, with rankings used if there are more
than two candidates.
Chamber's View: Supporting Proposition 140 will lead to more fair and accountable elections, forcing elected officials to focus on problem-solving and addressing the most important issues facing Arizona. It promotes competition, reduces negativity, and makes it difficult for extreme candidates to win in general elections. The result is better governance that creates a more reliable environment for doing business.
Proposition 212: One Fair Wage Act
Chamber Position: Oppose
Proposition 212 aims to increase the minimum wage to $18 per hour by 2028 and eliminate the tip credit, requiring employers to pay the full minimum wage plus tips.
Why Oppose It:
- Economic Impact: A drastic wage increase could lead to job cuts, reduced hours, and higher prices for consumers, making it harder for small businesses to survive.
- Business Viability: Threatens the sustainability of local restaurants and service industry businesses that rely on the current wage structure to manage costs.
- Culinary Culture: Could harm Tucson’s renowned dining scene and its status as a culinary destination by increasing operating costs and potentially leading to closures.
Chamber's View: The Chamber opposes Proposition 212 because it could significantly harm local businesses and the broader Tucson economy. The proposed wage increase and
elimination of the tip credit poses risks to jobs and business operations, particularly in the service industry.
Proposition 312: The Arizona Property Tax Refund for Non-Enforcement of Public Nuisance Laws Measure
Chamber Position: Support
Proposition 312 would allow property owners to apply for primary property tax refunds starting in 2025 if they incur expenses due to local jurisdictions failing to enforce laws on public nuisances such as illegal camping, loitering, and public urination.
Why Support It:
- Property Protection: This program provides financial relief to property owners burdened by enforcement failures, helping them recoup costs associated with maintaining their properties.
- Government Accountability: Encourages local governments to uphold public order laws effectively, ensuring that taxpayers receive the services their taxes are supposed to cover.
- Business Environment: Creates a more stable and attractive environment for businesses by promoting a cleaner and safer community.
Chamber's View: Supporting Proposition 312 promotes municipal accountability and helps maintain a conducive environment for business operations, ensuring the protection of property owners and businesses.
For more information, please contact the Tucson Metro Chamber at 520-792-1212 or visit our website at TucsonChamber.org.