University of Arizona economists forecast what’s ahead for Tucson and nation at luncheon on December 9 at the Westin La Paloma Resort
TUCSON, Ariz. – The University of Arizona Eller College of Management will host its annual Economic Outlook Luncheon on Fri., Dec. 9 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Westin La Paloma Resort, 3800 East Sunrise, in Tucson. Presenters George W. Hammond, director and research professor at Eller’s Economic and Business Research Center, and Anthony Chan, Chase Chief Economist, will share their predictions for 2017 and 2018 regarding job growth, the housing sector, the stock market, exports, interest rates and more.
Hammond said Tucson’s economy is stronger, with improved job growth, but several factors could affect the future.
“There’s good reason for renewed optimism, but certain factors, like a new administration in Washington, could steer us in a different direction,” Hammond said. “We’ll address whether this will be the year that construction finally gains traction, how the strong U.S. dollar is putting a downward pressure on state exports, whether interest rates are expected to rise next year, where gas prices are headed and more.”
While economic growth in southern Arizona will be a main focus for Hammond, Chan will address the outlook for the global economy and financial markets.
The luncheon is geared towards C-level executives, business owners, financial managers, entrepreneurs, community leaders and anyone interested in Arizona’s economic health.
Tickets are $85 per person. To reserve tickets, visit www.eller.arizona.edu/outlook/2016. For more information, contact outlook@eller.arizona.edu or call (520) 626-9137.