The 2013 Fall International Tenant Representative Alliance (ITRA) Global Corporate Real Estate Conference will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona on September 20-22, 2013. ITRA Global is one of the largest global real estate organizations devoted to the representation of corporate tenants and occupiers of commercial real estate worldwide. This event will be attended by top executives and decision-makers of ITRA and select guests from North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia.
The VIP Access Sponsor for the conference is the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA), the state’s leading economic development organization with a streamlined mission to grow and strengthen Arizona’s economy. The ACA uses a three-pronged approach to advance the overall economy: (1) Recruit out-of-state companies to expand their operations in Arizona; (2) work with existing companies to grow their business in Arizona and beyond; and (3) partner with entrepreneurs and companies large and small to create new jobs and businesses in targeted industries.
ITRA Global is an organization of real estate professionals specializing in representing tenants and buyers in the leasing, acquisition and disposition of office, industrial and retail facilities. With coverage in major markets around the world, ITRA Global is one of the largest organizations dedicated to representing tenants and occupiers of commercial real estate.
The ITRA Global Conference provides an opportunity for state economic development leaders to showcase Arizona as a prime location for business expansion. The will focus on business development for the group’s affiliated commercial real estate professionals. These real estate executives serve as site selection experts, representing companies seeking business locations around the world for lease or investment.
While meeting in Arizona, executives will learn about Arizona’s competitive business advantages, as well as receive in-depth information about state and regional business incentives and services for corporate location or expansion.
“Showcasing Arizona’s pro-business value proposition to these key influencers is an incredible opportunity to position Arizona as top-of-mind with the corporate decision makers they represent,” said Sandra Watson, ACA’s president and CEO. “We look forward to hosting ITRA Global executives, ensuring they come away with a strong understating of why Arizona is a nationally ranked Best State for Business, and further enhancing our efforts to attract new business to the state.”
“Arizona is a prime location for global business,” said Michael Coretz, broker of Commercial Real Estate Group of Tucson (CREGT) and ITRA Global affiliate who was instrumental in bringing ITRA Global and its fall gathering to the attention of ACA. “The state has a lot to offer, especially to businesses in renewable energy, aerospace and defense, technology and innovation, bioscience and healthcare. My ITRA colleagues deserve to know how Arizona might fit with their clients’ needs.”
Commercial Real Estate Group of Tucson specializes in representing commercial real estate tenants and corporate users in Tucson and Arizona, across the United States, Latin America, Europe and Asia as a member of ITRA.
“Our colleagues will be thoroughly impressed with the many benefits the region has to offer,” says Gordon Rasmussen, principal of ITRA Global/Martin Property Advisors Inc. of Phoenix, another ITRA Global affiliate member in Arizona.
More information on ITRA Global can be obtained by contacting Michael Coretz at (520) 299-3400 or Beth Wade, ITRA Executive Director, at (706) 654.3201. The Arizona Commerce Authority can be reached at (602) 845-1231.